Saturday, October 15, 2022

A Lazy Saturday to Watch Sports

Bill started the day with a task:  he had to return the rental car to Budget by 10 A.M across town.

When he pulled into a gas station he was surprised when an attendant (see the man in the yellow vest above) came out and said Oregon State law said he had to put the gas into the tank. Apparently this state has had some serious problems with gasoline spills!

Bill returned to the hotel via a Uber ride thanks to his brilliant Chicago daughter who lead him step-by-step through the Uber process.  He got back just in time for the kickoff to watch Michigan beat Penn State by a score of 41-17.  Alabama lost to Tennessee so perhaps Michigan will move up in the rankings from their #4 position.  Go Blue.

After the game we took a long walk along the Columbia River in another warm sunny afternoon.

Out on the river we saw another tour ship go by.  The Mississippi is low on water but we hope the Columbia River will float our boat back to where we left our car.  We set sail tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you have a great cruise ahead of you!!


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