Sunday, October 9, 2022

The Woods are Lovely Bright and Deep but We Have Promises To Keep

 Monday morning, October 10, 2022 is tomorrow and we plan to leave early for a long drive to Lewiston, Idaho and then on to Portland, Oregon.  As time allows we will be updating our blog here as a visual diary of our travels.  Any interested person is welcome to check it out.  We get nothing for our our posts but love to share it.  Who knows, you the reader may someday want to take a river cruise out west and this may be a good place to learn what to do / or not to do???

Meanwhile, you get to see a few of the sights we are leaving behind here in Northern Michigan.

The maple trees are beautiful and we know we will be seeing many more across the Upper Peninsula.

Check back and we will try to share a few new views as we drive across the United States.  

  🍁      πŸ‚      🍁     πŸ‚

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