Thursday, October 20, 2022

A Fun Wednesday With More Sightseeing

 On Wednesday morning,  October 19, 2022, we went through our first lock that lifted the ship about 25 feet and soon thereafter docked at Stevenson, Washington.

At 9:00 AM, after breakfast, Bill got a tour bus for about a twenty-minute drive across the Columbia River into Oregon to this place - above.

Multnomah Falls is the second tallest waterfall in the United States after Sequoia in California.  Because of recent drought conditions it was not as full as some years but it was still impressive to see up close.

The Falls had this beautiful old welcome center with restrooms and a gift ship - of course.

After lunch on the ship Karen and Bill got on another tour bus that dropped them off at the Columbia Gorge Interpretive Center.

Like most museums, the center was full of numerous local displays and artifacts.  My late sister, Judy, would have loved this quilt display created by women in the town.

The Stevenson Center brags of having the largest Catholic Rosary collection in the World.  Above is Karen standing in front of one of the three display cases.

Wednesday evening we were entertained by a magician who put on magic show on board.


1 comment:

  1. Looks interesting! Glad there was water in the waterfall!! And the quilt is beautiful!!


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