Wednesday, October 26, 2022

A Challenging Drive Home - But Now Back To the Real World

 On Sunday morning, October 23, 2022,  after a short bus ride we found our car  at the Louiston, Idaho airport where we had left it when we rented the car to drive to Portland.  It was safe and sound so we were on the road east by 9:00 A.M.

We ran into a snowstorm  before we stopped for the night in Billings, Montana.

On Monday we ran into more snow before we entered North Dakota.  The roads were often snow covered and slippery.  We saw four accidents with one semi in the ditch.  The drive was not easy but we made it to Fargo, North Dakota where we spent Monday night.  We pushed on Tuesday and the farther east we drove the warmer the temperatures became.

We ran into heavy rain driving through the Upper Peninsula but we made it home safely Tuesday Night after a long day's drive.  It was a fun trip.  We want to express how much we enjoyed the daily talks and slide presentations on  our ship, The Song,  by Bill Wiemuth.  He knew just about everything about Louis and Clark and he shared his knowledge in a most entertaining way.  The Columbia and Snake Rivers are certainly worth a look if you ever get the urge to go West.

Goodbye for Now.  See you next trip.

⛴        🚗         🏠

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