Thursday, September 26, 2019

We Walk Around Downtown Newport, Rhode Island

Thursday morning we anchored in the port of Newport where the America's Cup Sailboat race used to be held.

After breakfast we boarded a tender for a ride to shore.

We decided to do our own walking tour along the shops near seashore.

This turned out to be an interesting shop selling only socks.  Weird socks.  All kinds of stockings.

Kennebunkport, Maine is not far away so we think this is where the late George H. W. Bush may have got his strange socks that he wore.

We found an excellent antique store so that allowed us plenty of space to explore.  

This old life-saver ring cost almost $200.

This table was different for a conversation piece.

Does anybody really need a Zebra skin?

The small shops were unique.  When I told Karen we did not have room in our luggage for more shoes her eyes seemed to roll  back in her head.

Newport had plenty of eating spots, and here the Python burgers were not bad.
Just kidding.  🐊

This refreshment was more to our liking.
Tis the season.  Almost.

Newport gave us a chance to get some exercise and  fresh air, as well as some interesting stores.
This building above is the America's Cup Inn.

Tomorrow is New York city where we disembark from a boat ride.
See  you there.


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