Thursday, September 26, 2019

A Day At Sea so here is Information about our Ship

The Zuiderdam was built for Holland America in 2001 and it was refurbished in 2017.
It can hold up to 2000 passengers, and on this trip we have a bit over 1800.

We prefer a room with a balcony so you can step out and get a better view of the sights and the weather.

The ship has 10 floors and there are three main elevators.  Whenever or wherever you get off an elevator there is always a sign like this showing your location.  The red vertical line on the right hits the spot.  It is still easy to get lost.

There are two swimming pools.  This is the indoor pool on one early cool morning.

This is the same pool from above when the roof is open,

This is the outside pool and hot tubs that have been getting some use with our warm sunny weather.

We have a great fitness center with modern machines.  The two male instructors talk like Arnold Schwarzenegger.

The string quintet is fabulous.  The cello player, in the center, went to school at U of M.

Microsoft sponsors a digital workshop that Bill attended a few times, of course.  Trouble is, we are using a Chromebook with a different operating system.

The ship also gives classes here but Karen is just rejoicing in the fact that she does not have to cook.

However, here is the classroom in which Karen has been spending quite a bit of time.
The people down there are getting to know her by name.
(PS:  we are not getting rich but she is having fun!)

Yesterday, we had a school of small dolphins alongside.
Bill managed to get one in the pic above at right.

Here is one of the many beautiful paintings on the Zuiderdam.

We had lunch yesterday with Mr. and Mrs. Dan DeGraw at the Mariners Luncheon.
He was Bill's high school history teacher in Parchment.

Today we visit Newport, Rhode Island.
Another Sunny Day.



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