Sunday, September 15, 2019

Our Stay in the Old City of Quebec

After a few flight delays we finally made it to Quebec City from Toronto after dark.  We had booked a room in one of the oldest parts of the city - at the Acadia Hotel.
The scene above shows how narrow the streets are in this part of town.

This is the bar at the Italian restaurant where we had a late supper.  The streets were full of Saturday evening revelers and it seemed almost like New Orleans with all the French being spoken.

Here is our room in the old Acadia Hotel.  We are on the third floor with no elevator.   

There are no modern hotels/motels in the old city of Quebec.  Our hotel is like many others.  Do you see anything familiar in the picture above?

 Yes - that is Karen above out on our balcony from our room.
This morning we plan to explore and board our ship in the afternoon.
Our old hotel has provided a unique experience.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like things are off to a good start! Looking forward to more entries. :)


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