Thursday, September 19, 2019

A Day at Sea and We Land on Prince Edward Island

We cruised all day Wednesday under clear blue skies on a calm Gulf of St. Lawrence.
Thursday morning we anchored outside of the town of Charlottetown on the south side of Prince Edward Island.
We had to use the ship's tenders to go ashore.  You see one above with the orange roof going past that pesky Royal Caribbean ship that keeps beating us into ports.

Again the weather is cool and clear.  Almost perfect for a walk around parts of the town.

There are many beautiful well-kept homes in this quaint seaside town.

The main art gallery was closed for renovations, but Bill did stumble across this dead crow out front.
(Made out of old tires)

Like other Canadian towns serviced by cruise ships, there are plenty of ways to get around to see the sights.  Like this wagon above....

.....or this double-deck bus.
(Karen hates buses so we mainly walk to see the local sights.)

The flowers are bright in the parks.

The book "Anne of Green Gables" was written here based on a house outside of town.

  We loved the architecture of the grand seaside houses we passed on our walk.  Note the cupola on top of this house.  As usual, the local people were friendly and talkative.

One kind lady even offered to take our picture.  That is our boat behind us.

We had a fine day on PEI.
(That is what the Canadians call Prince Edward Island)
Go figure.
Anyway, tomorrow is our first stop in Nova Scotia.
See you there.

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