Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Back in the USA at Portland, Maine

The autumnal equinox has come and gone.

On Monday morning all passengers on our ship had to walk past custom officials with our passports to confirm our identities.  It was a quick and painless process.

We could then disembark for a visit to Portland, Maine.

We found  the fishing industry to be, of course, one of the most common businesses here.

There was not a great variety of things to do, so we wandered and explored.  
We passed quite a few short canals like this that almost touched the main street.  Note the condominiums along the bank and the variety of boats tied up.

Other canals were not as well-kept and were used by the working man.  See the old lobster traps on the left of this pier.

This shop sold fashionable bags made from old ship sails. (Or so they say)

Bill found this store to be more to his liking.

One shop sold clothes made from Alpaca wool.  Karen liked this baby.

We found out that Portland has a professional hockey team called the Maine Mariners.

We saw plenty of signs listing items like this in front of the numerous small restaurants and pubs.

We noted plenty of sailboats in the harbor as we sailed away in the afternoon.

Our visit to Portland was quiet and uneventful.
To old folks that is not all bad.

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