Monday, February 23, 2015

Some Haunting Finds Near the Campground

The temp almost reached 80 degrees on Sunday so we did some exploring on our bikes.
We followed some dirt trails going off into the woods and came across this small cemetery .  Notice the crosses on the front gate.
The tombstones were very old and some graves were covered with sea shells.
It appears that Megan was not well-liked.
This bridge and old boat looked pretty spooky as well.
Finally, out behind some old buildings we discovered this wagon.
It is a good thing that we don't believe in ghosts, or this area of Florida could scare a person!

1 comment:

  1. Such the "Explorers". Be careful out don't know "IF" that witch was wicked or not. heehee

    Glad you are enjoying the warmth. :)


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