Friday, February 6, 2015

A Strange Roadside Business Causes Us to Stop

On Thursday, February 5th, we ran out of allotted days at Blue Spring State Park.  To fill a few days before out next reservation north of Daytona Beach we decided to head back to our favorite campground in Florida, so far, at Salt Springs.
On the way we saw these creatures that looked like a scene out of "Jurassic Park".
We had to pull over because there was just too much to drive by!  The figures were not made of plastic.  They were all made of metal and beautiful in detail.
When we walked inside the fence we saw about a acre of what you see above.  It was interesting but overwhelming.  They had about any creature you could imagine and a few you could not imagine.
 The figures were not imported - there was a forging and welding operation going out back.  A buyer could pick out any figure and they would make it and paint it to his specifications.  The business was on a remote road and did not even have a sign out front.  We decided you never know what you might see in Florida.

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