Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Looking Around Suwannee River State Park

The ground on which this state park was built was strategic in the Civil War.  Confederate troops built earth mounds along the  river to defend the place against Union gun boats.
This is the confluence of the Withlacoochee River on the left and the Suwannee River on the right.  Both rivers start in Georgia and the Suwannee River continues on to the Gulf of Mexico. Both rivers are dark, deep, and wide.  We have seen kayaks and canoes which seem to be popular down here.
Before the railroads came, these rivers carried a lot of steamboat traffic and there was once a dock here.  On display are some paddle wheel mechanical drive parts.
Like much of Florida, this area is prone to sink holes opening up from the limestone base down below.  Here is one that the park has fenced off  to keep people and animals from falling into.

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