Saturday, February 7, 2015

Bill Takes A Plunge

Besides the wonderful Federal Campground, what brings most visitors to the Salt Springs Recreational Area is the Salt Springs themselves.  The presence of certain minerals and sodium in the waters of the spring give the spring a slight salinity, hence the name Salt Springs.
Although the weather has not exactly been tropical, (mid 60s daytime to low 40s at night), Bill decided it was time to get a closer look at the springs than what you see above.
A quick search of a storage area in the trailer yielded some snorkeling equipment, the weather was sunny, so Friday looked like a good day for a swim to explore the spring.
We were told that the water temperature was 72 degrees, (the same as Blue Spring) and it was certainly warmer than the air.  The visibility in the water was fantastic.
There were plenty of fish to see and most were unafraid of a human swimmer.  The large deep fissures where the springs were flowing upward were eerie to swim over and a bit spooky to look into.  It was a fun experience to explore the spring and Bill plans to take another swim on Saturday.

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