Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Blue Spring State Park

This picture shows how Blue Spring is kept separate from the St. John's River.  All boats and fishing  activities must stay outside the floating barrier.
The fishing was good off the dock.  As we watched, this cute girl who was fishing with her father and brother caught this fish.  She was bashful but finally agreed to pose with her prize.

In the state park is this large old house that is open to the public for self-guided tours.  It belonged to the original owner of the land here at the spring named Louis Thursby.  He had nine children, including one who died after being bitten by a rattlesnake while playing under the house.  Notice that the architecture is similar to DeBary Hall from a few days ago in this blog.
Not to be outdone by all the attention in the Blue Spring-- Karen got this manatee to come out for a picture with her.  She makes friends everywhere we go.

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