Friday, February 13, 2015

A Beautiful New Park and A Great Walk on the Beach

After a one-night stay at a small local RV park, we checked into another State Park.

Anastasia is one of the jewels of the Florida State Park system.  It has smooth paved roads, flat camping sites with lots of privacy, and miles of gorgeous Atlantic shoreline. It is also only about a mile from downtown St. Augustine.

 On Thursday there was not a cloud in the sky so we decided to check out the ocean.  This is the boardwalk over a low area to get to the park beach.
No that is not a barber is the Anastasia Lighthouse at the north end of the park.
The beach was all white sand and sea shells with a strong west wind and good size waves coming in.
We walked to the public pier and watched about a dozen surfers riding the waves in their wetsuits.
It was a very pleasant afternoon on the Atlantic Ocean beach.

1 comment:

  1. You will swim with the alligators, but you won't try a surf board? I think your priorities are out of line...


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