Thursday, February 19, 2015

Bill Takes a Bike Ride and a Walk On the Wild Side

Seven miles north of the campground is a 16-mile paved bicycle trail between Gainesville and the town of Hawthorne.  After repairs, Bill's bike was working so well that the drove to the trail head to ride the trail. 
The bike trail ran across the north end of Paynes Prairie Preserve so Bill decided to take a break from pedaling and walk one of the nature trails he noticed that ran into the preserve.

  It was a three-mile round trip but he decided it should be interesting and he figured these signs he was passing were needless warnings to keep people from doing anything stupid.
Not far down the walking trail he saw these guys and decided to take the signs more seriously.
The trail was narrow and ran between some lakes and swamps.
Then he started seeing sights like this ahead.  (to the left of the trail)
This was no gator farm and no fences to protect you.  At that point Bill decided to stay in the middle of the trail!  And walk faster.
Here is another big alligator hiding in the grass just off the trail.  Bill was wondering what he had gotten himself into???
Bill did complete the three-mile walk (nervously) and was rewarded by seeing these wild horses walk out of the wilderness to get a drink.


  1. Glad you didn't get eaten- yikes!

  2. That's pretty risky...does Florida let you carry your pistol. Remember, you have to shoot them between the eyes! TLH


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