Friday, February 20, 2015

Another Bike Ride (with no Nature Walk)

The paved bicycle/walk/equestrian  trail between Gainesville and Hawthorne is a great ride, so Karen decided she would like to try it as long as we did no nature walks with alligators.  Thursday was very cold (upper 40s) so we put on our coats and hit the trail.
Notice that this sign could not just say "Stop Ahead", but also had to list which Florida Statute justified the sign.  (As if anybody cared!)  What a silly waste of money.
Notice that this sign tells the horse riders that it is okay to ford the creek.  Maybe that is to protect the wooden bridge.  The trail has a grassy strip for horse riders along its length.
We are moving on today, but staying and exploring Paynes Prairie has been a unique travel experience.  Its 21,000 acres cover 33 square miles so there is room for small herds of bison, wild cattle, and horses.  The wildlife here is amazing, and it has a great bicycle trail.

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