Tuesday, April 30, 2024

The Largest Town in Tasmania

 From Queenstown we headed southeast to the large city of Hobart.  It has approximately 200,000 people and Tasmania has half a million total.  We checked into a beautiful 2-bedroom 2-bath apartment close to the downtown area.

On Saturday we rode around town on the Hop-On-Hop-Off bus to get our bearings, and to grab lunch downtown by the bay.  Here is a picture of part of the city from our bus window.
On Sunday morning we drove up to the Cascade Beverage Company for a 10 A.M. appointment for a guided tour.

It is an old brewery with a long history

We met in a room at the factory with about a dozen visitors from various locations around the globe who had also booked the tour.  Above are containers from yesteryear.

This  is a poster from the waiting room that we thought was interesting. You will see more about the real devils in a later post.

Here is our sweet young tour guide who led us around the grounds for an approximately two-hour guided tour.  We had fun and learned a lot about the beer business on Tasmania.


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