Friday, April 26, 2024

Melbourne Boat Ride

 On Monday April 22 we took a boat tour in Melbourne on the Yarra River.

                It was a warm and pleasant day.  Dave and Marilyn had done the tour before so they stayed in the city.

It did not take long before we started seeing some interesting architecture.  Does the building on the left have a back problem?

These two towers seemed to have a huge belt holding them together.

These structures are designed to load the huge ocean-going ships.

Just like Chicago and other big cities on the water in the USA.  Melbourne had its own large yachts in port.

This skyscraper seemed to be wearing a pair of goggles. On each side.

We passed this accounting firm with an interesting name - don't you think?

Here is what the city of Melbourne looked like from our tour boat.  We had a great ride on the water in a beautiful Australian city.


On Tuesday morning we were moving early to catch a plane to our next destination down under. 
Come back to check it out.

1 comment:

  1. Shauna Ann CollisonApril 27, 2024 at 2:17 PM

    You are seeing all the highlights!! Thanks for taking us along!!


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