Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Melbourne Part Two

 After our tour of the prison Francis and Bill decided to visit the Melbourne Museum near downtown Melbourne.

It was very large and had plenty to see.  This dinosaur was perfectly done.

There was a movie featuring dinosaurs  that we think we had seen in the large Chicago Museum of Natural History?

These two boas with a boa skeleton between them was interesting.  (if you like big snakes)

We thought this doll house was worth a picture with all its detail.

This is Australia's most famous racehorse, Phar Lap.  Stuffed of course.  He won 37 of the famous 51 starts in which he raced in the 1930's.  Move over Secretariat!

In the museum one visitor could stand at a TV screen in one room, while another posed in the famous painting in another room.  Above Francis is trying to look like the king of Frederic! 
The Melbourne Museum was excellent.


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