Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery

 After the Female Factory we drove downtown to the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery.  If you ever get to Hobart don't miss it.

Because this area was full of prisoners sent over from England in the past, there were many displays on tools of the imprisonment trade.  Here are a cat-o-nine tails for whipping and some heavy leg irons.
Here is a kangaroo coat made by one prisoner to escape but he did not make it.
This is an actual man trap set and covered in a path for catch escaping convicts.  Ouch!

Australia has unique animals compared to the rest of the world.  These are types of kangaroos and wallaby.

More animals of Australia and Tasmania.
Here are a stuffed Echidna and Platypus.

Now to the most fascinating specimen, for Bill at least here above.  Here was movie clips of the last Tasmanian Tiger before it died in 1936.

This sign explains the details of the last of the species.
Notice how it resembles a kangaroo.  A carnivorous type of kangaroo.  There are no large predictors on Tasmania now.

Here is the actual creature today.  Stuffed of course.  The museum also had a large art gallery upstairs.
A great place to visit the next time you get to Hobart.


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