Monday, April 8, 2024

April has Come and We Are Traveling Again

 After a successful season in the maple bush, we put up about four gallons of pure maple syrup.  The spotty snow showers have slowly faded and warm weather is here.  Now we are about to embark on another traveling adventure far far away from northern Michigan.

Tomorrow, April 9, 2024 we are flying to Australia from Grand Rapids via Detroit and LA.  Our neighbor, Francis Hummel, has a friend down there with whom he used to work.  His friend, Dave, moved down there about five years ago and married an Australian lady named Marilyn.  They have invited all three of us, Francis, Karen and Bill, down for a visit.

As you probably know, Australia is the world's largest island with almost as much territory as the continental United States.  (See the map above for comparison.)  Communication may be a challenge down there, but we will be updating this blog, occasionally, if we can.  We plan to be gone for almost a month so check back for updates if you need some excitement!  Ha!

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