Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Australia Zoo Visit

 On Sunday, with our hostess, Marilyn and host, Dave we took a drive south from their home through Adelaide to an area zoo.

We stopped along the way at a lookout area where the horizon was miles away.

At the zoo we watched this worker feed the dingoes.  He also gave a talk and answered questions from the visitors.  There is a very long fence built across Australia to keep the Dingoes from coming south where they kill the sheep.

At the zoo we could mingle with the animals.  Unlike the scene from "Jurassic Park" this little creature was friendly and enjoyed the food Karen was sharing.

The creature behind us is a Wombat.

The Wombat is an Australian animal, as were all the birds, snakes and other creatures we saw at the zoo.  We had an excellent visit.

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