Sunday, April 21, 2024

A Two-Day Drive Along the Sea

 On Friday morning we left Adelaide with Dave at the wheel and headed south and east along the Australian Sea toward Melbourne.  Marilyn stayed home to clean house.  She would fly in later to meet us in Melbourne.

It was a beautiful drive along the coast; a bit like California's Pacific Coast Highway.

The views were numerous like this as we drove along the sea.   These middle rock formations are the "two sisters.

       Here is a hitch-hiker we picked up.  We stayed overnight in a small local motel in the tiny village of Lavers.  The road was full of many ocean scenes like this along the southern Australia coast.  Note the cave in the rock.


  1. Looks like a fun trip. Enjoy! Love, The McGoverns

  2. Amazing and beautiful!! You're on a trip of a lifetime!! Shauna Collison


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