Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Australia Part 3

 How would a trip to Australia be complete without a trip to the Outback?  So.....

We jumped into Dave's car and headed north with Dave at the "right hand" wheel.

Deep into the Outback we visited the town of Woomera.  It was a secretive town in the wilderness where Australia developed and tested weapons during the Cold War,along with the United States, to keep the USSR in check.

We rented this unit, above, with three bedrooms and three bathrooms for one night that had been converted from old military family housing.

The town museum was very interesting with no admission charge.  Above is a missile displayed to  show how it was loaded with small cluster bombs. These weapons may have been used in Vietnam.

Many of the rockets displayed outside were life size.  That is Karen to the right of the picture.

The town of Woomera was a bit like Los Alamos  in New Mexico where, in the US,  the atomic bomb was developed.  

We all enjoyed our trip into the Outback as a very unique travel experience and we thanked Dave for driving to help us see the countryside and all the sights!


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