Saturday, February 12, 2022

The Border Wall - Part 5

 A few days ago we saw illegal migration up close.  The scene below happened across from the entrance to our RV park, and just down the road from the Texas State Park.  

The group of people mainly dressed neatly in black clothing were being apprehended and grouped together peacefully by U.S. Border agents.  

There was no commotion or shouting.  The border patrol officers are, of course,  the people in green uniforms and caps.  The officers were giving orders that were being followed.  Notice that many of the illegals are wearing Covid-protection face masks.

We have no idea how the migrants got to this location.  They certainly did not have wet clothing from swimming the river.  They were not here long before a bus arrived to take them away; probably to McAllen for processing.  The border wall certainly did not keep them out.

🚣      🚍     🚌

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