Monday, February 28, 2022

A High-Flying Adult Toy

 Last week curiosity got the best of Bill who just had to stop to talk to a man in our park who was out flying his new drone.  The gentleman was happy to bring it down and show it off.

We have found that many people with unique hobbies love to show off their goods.

He explained this his drone cost $1200 with all the bells and whistles, but he said the basic unit retailed at $800.  It had a camera that could record video and could go up to 1/8th of a mile and hold its signal.

This is the remote control.  He said that if he looses sight of it, it had a "return" button that will bring it back without hitting anything.  It is a great toy, but in Northern Michigan we have too many trees to make it practical.   It looks like Bill will not be buying one anytime soon.

Meanwhile, we will park the travel trailer and start back toward home tomorrow, March 1.  Out in the real world Russia had invaded Ukarine and we hope the conflict ends soon.


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