Monday, February 14, 2022

Forget Electric Cars - Electric Bikes are Now the Rage

 Two years ago when we were last down here in the land of Winter Texans, electric bicycles were a rare sight.  Back then you could almost call them an expensive novelty.   But now.......

Now we see them very frequently in all shapes, sizes, and colors.  

Although the roads and trails are very flat here, many older folks seem to want/need the help with their bicycle rides. Some of the new bicycles even fold up so they can fit into the back of  a medium-sized SUV.  As for Bill and Karen: we will  stick to the old way for now:  peddle - peddle - peddle with our old standard bicycles.  (We need the exercise)

Last night in Super Bowl 56 -- Rams 23 / Bengals 20.  Matt Stafford got his ring!


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