Friday, February 25, 2022

The 2022 Winter Texan Fiesta

 Yesterday, February 24,2022, was the day of an annual event that we like to attend.

The Winter Texan Fiesta is put on by the city of Mission and is free to attend downtown.

There were vendors peddling their goods and services with many free items to hand out.  Also the city pays for a free lunch for all who attend with a hot sack lunch from Chick-fil-A  restaurants.  We bought two $5 tee-shirts commemorating the Fiesta. 

This singer was belting our fun old tunes.  From the poster at the top of this blog we think he was Curt James.

The live music brought out the line dancers onto the street.  That is our friend, Nancy Smoker, in the front row of this line dance in front of the stage.  

Bill has been known to enjoy a beer, but this can was more than he could handle.
We enjoy this event to honor the Winter Texans each year.  It was a cool day with temps in the 50's so there were fewer in attendance than expected.  We had fun and enjoyed a tasty free hot lunch as well.

🎵   🎶   🎼   🎸


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