Friday, February 11, 2022

The Border Wall - Part 4

 Collateral damage is the injury inflicted on something other than an intended target.  The National Butterfly Center just down the road from our RV park has felt the sting of the conflicts surrounding the border wall.

We have featured it in our blog before because it is a main tourist attraction out here south of Mission.

The owners of the butterfly center have been battling the state of Texas in court to stop the construction of the border wall across their property.  They insist the wall will hinder the migration of  butterflies, but they have been accused of harboring illegal migrants coming into our country.  The city of Mission recently put up one of their surveillance towers on the center's land.

The local paper says that the owners have been getting plenty of phone calls, of late,  threatening their personal safety.  Unfortunately, down here in Texas where so many people have guns - such threats cannot be ignored.  Can you guess what the sign reads that is now hanging on the main gate above?

It is a shame because the National Butterfly Center brought plenty of tourists to the area over the years
with money to spend in the local economy.
Welcome to America today!

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