Thursday, February 24, 2022

Conditions Along the Rio Grande River Have Changed

 Because of Covid concerns we did not go south last winter, but stayed home in Frederic instead.  Now, not only do we have the wall across the road from our campsite, but over the last two years - conditions, facilities, rules, and activities have changed.

Bill recently took a back road bicycle trip on some dirt trails not used much anymore.  He had to get by not only a Border Patrol vehicle,  but one National Guard Humvee as well to visit a few places that used to see a bit of traffic.

This was the launch sight of our park's weekly pontoon rides on the Rio Grande. Now empty.

This used to be the location of an annual park picnic along the river.  As you can see it is no longer being maintained. 

Here is the river at the abandoned picnic area with Mexico on the other side.

The Park shooting range near the river is still open, but not being used much this year.  Fairly quiet.

Remember that Texans love their guns!


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