Saturday, February 19, 2022

Our Friends Arrive From New Mexico

 On Thursday, February 17,  Steve and Janie Lowe came into our RV park with their travel trailer for a four-day visit.  They used to own Hatlen's' cabin up on the Manistee River, but moved away to Las Cruses, New Mexico a few years ago.   In other words, they used to be our neighbors as well as our friends up near Frederic.  Steve was a steady member of our monthly Poker games in Bill's garage.

We gave them a small tour of this part of Texas on Friday and ended up having lunch at the Riverside Club on the Rio Grande River across from Mexico.

We had a good greasy meal and stepped out on the patio overlooking the river for a few pictures.  This is Steve and Janie above.  Today, we plan for a bit more sightseeing and then we will introduce them to Card Bingo tonight in the clubhouse.   Therefore, they just might go home a few dollars richer! (or poorer)

🎴    💱    💲

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