Monday, February 13, 2017

The Dreaded Prison in Yuma, Arizona

Back in the day Yuma was famous for its notorious desert prison.  Now some of it has been restored and made into a state park.
Like many curious tourists Bill and Karen had to go visit and learn more about it.

First visitors go through an interesting, modern museum to learn some of the history, then they are allowed to wander and explore the grounds.

Eight bunks in such a small cell seemed just a bit too cozy for us. Yikes!

The guard tower has been restored and visitors are allowed to go up and check it out.

After the prison closed in the early 1900's, it was used as the Yuma High School for four years while the new high school was being built.  The students were nicknamed the criminals - and it stuck!
To this day the Yuma sports teams are the Criminals as you can see on this wrestling poster.

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