Sunday, February 12, 2017

A Day Trip into California

On Saturday we decided to take about a 1/2 -hour drive northwest to the small town of Bard, California.

Along the way we drove past groves of palm trees as you see above.  Some were short and some were tall.  We never found out if they were cultivated to produce dates or palm oil, or both.

We drove to Bard to visit this place.
The Cloud Museum has over two acres of old vehicles and machinery.  The collection includes over 120 Model T's and Model A's, some outside and some in the buildings.
A visitor puts $5 in a box on the "Honor System" to enter, and then is allowed to wander the grounds freely.  We saw no employee on duty.
We liked this old camper bus. 😪

Not all vehicles had motors.
We never did find out what this old car was all about.  Maybe it was a left-over from an old Rose Bowl Parade???

Is anyone would like to know more about the Cloud Museum they could try this link:

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