Saturday, February 4, 2017

Saguaro National Park West and the Sonoran Desert

Here in Tucson we are in the Sonoran Desert.  North of us is the Mojave Desert that includes part of California and to the east is the Chihuahuan Desert that includes part of Mexico. 
We visited the Saguaro National Park and took a tour with the park ranger you see above who explained much about the desert environment.  We learned that the Sonoran Desert far surpasses all other North American deserts in lushness and variety of life.
This picture shows some of the large variety of Cacti and vegetation that grows here.
Like most national parks there was a visitor center, you can see in the background behind Bill, with a gift shop and a movie to watch.
Here Karen shows you how tall the Saguaro Cactus can grow.  The ranger said they can live over 200 years!
This Saguaro had a bird nest in it.  Probably a hawk?
During a later hike, Bill found this poor gentleman who had apparently drank too much of the bottle on his lap.  It shows how harsh the desert can be!!

Mojave DesertSonoran Desert. Chihuahuan Desert

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