Friday, February 3, 2017

More of the Desert Museum near Tucson

This Gila Monster is a lizard with a poisonous bite.  Roadrunners only take on small Gila Monsters.

These Prairie Dogs were pretty scarred up like they had been fighting.  Maybe they were too crowded in their Prairie Dog town??

Mexican Wolves are an endangered species with only about 50 remaining in the wild.  They are called Lobos.

Bill was careful not to hug this Organ Pipe Cactus.  Besides, he could not find the keyboard. Ha.

This desert Bobcat struck a beautiful pose.

Cacti can be very attractive -  as long as you do not get too close.  This may be a type of Hedgehog Cactus but we are not positive of that.

And saving the best for last............

Here is a rare "Karen Bird".  Very few have been know to still exist!  

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