Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Memphis - Day 1

On Super Tuesday we arrived in Memphis and booked into our room at the Downtown Comfort Inn.
From our 11th floor room we have a great view of the Mississippi River and the bridge we crossed as we drove into the city.
We had time to explore so we walked over to this building that you see above.  It is the Memphis Pyramid.  It was built by the city years ago for sports and entertainment events but failed.  Bass Pro bought it and turned it into a mega-store.  Besides a huge Bass Pro store it houses restaurants, a hotel, bowling alley, archery range, and an outdoor observation deck at the apex.

The store had plenty of great sporting merchandise.

There is an indoor pond with live fish and a huge aquarium as well.  The enormous store had ATV's, boats and any sporting equipment that you could imagine.

 We also visited the Memphis Welcome Center where Karen got her picture taken with the former King of Memphis.

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