Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Home Again to the Real World

We left the ship in Memphis early Sunday morning, March 15, 2020, and found our truck to be lonely but in good shape at the bottom of the hotel where we had left her.  We headed north and had good weather in which to drive so we made it almost 700 miles to Coldwater, Michigan.  Bill got in to see his dentist Monday morning in Dewitt, luckily, as the last patient before they shut down for two weeks due to COVID-19.

After stocking up on groceries and supplies (no TP!) we found Frederic to be snow-covered as usual this time of year.  However, we made it into the house with little trouble and began to unpack.

Here is our yard as we found it before shoveling.  
Bill began to tap his maple trees and found sap to be running.
We had a great winter get-away in Texas and a wonderful cruise in the last week.
We would recommend American Cruise Lines to anyone wanting to take a cruise.
Now, like the rest of America, we are hunkering down to allow the COVID-19 virus to pass.
Thanks for sharing our travels with us.

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