Thursday, March 12, 2020

Going Ashore the Old Fashioned Way (kind of)

Because the Mississippi River is so high right now we could not tie up to the dock in Natchez, Mississippi the normal way.  Instead, we were driven up on land across the river in Vidalia, LA. and tied the ship to trees kind of like the old steamships used to do when ports were not available.
Instead of a large gangplank that just flops down, like the old steamships, our modern ship has a hydraulic nose that opens up to allow passengers to access a small gangway to shore.

 We parked next to another American Cruise Line ship named America.  Above that ship, above, is the bridge we cross to reach Natchez going east.

Vidalia has a river sidewalk that extends for about a mile.
It was a good day to take a walk.

We boarded a motor coach for a trip to, and guided tour of,  this mansion in Natchez called Longwood, which is the largest octagonal house in America.

A tour guide showed us around the mansion and told us its history.
Above is Karen listening to the dialog.

We also got to ride around Natchez on the bus and see a few other grand old houses of the South.

This beautiful home overlooking the River is owned by Greg Illes, a fiction writer that we have both read.

After  our morning excursion we enjoyed the beautiful weather by having lunch outside at the ship's Back Porch Cafe.


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