Sunday, January 19, 2020

Who Needs Guardrails When These Line the Trail?

Opuntia, commonly know as Prickly Pear, is kind of cactus frequently seen down here in Texas.
It is actually eatable if you can get past the thorns.  The purple fruit, that you see above, is quite tasty, they say, but has hard seeds.

This is what the cacti looks like along a nearby bicycle path.

It is thick and wild and certainly keeps you on the path.

Luckily, Prickly Pear is not a cactus that sheds its thorns so we have only had one flat tire - so far.
In Arizona riding the bike trails was very hazardous to bicycle tires because of the types of cacti that grew there.

Opuntia are ugly and make us thankful you seldom see them in Michigan.
(We have a neighbor in Michigan who actually has a plant growing on her property)

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