Thursday, January 2, 2020

Community Garden

Our RV park here in Mission has an area in back that is tilled up and dedicated to the use of any resident who wants to plant a garden.  It is fenced off and dogs and other pets are not allowed here.  As you can see below, the gardeners believe it is still early in the planting season.  Nevertheless, a few plants have started to sprout for one camper with a green thumb.

Here in south Texas we are seeing plenty of birds but unfortunately one of the most abundant species is Long-Tailed Grackles.  They are nest marauders and a type of bird we do not really appreciate.  

Our next door neighbor puts our feed every morning and that seems to draw a small flock of these nasty birds.  We wish she would let their cat out to have some fun, but it stays permanently in their 5th-Wheel Camper.

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