Monday, January 13, 2020

A Wine Tasting Party - Cheers!

On Sunday afternoon Bentsen Palm Village RV Park hosted a wine tasting party at the club house for any who wanted to attend.  Each person, or couple, was asked to to bring a bottle of wine and a pairing (side snack).  A bottle of wine from your home region was  preferred, but not required.

The bottles and pairings were set up by the hostess and each bottle was labeled by region and type with its pairing.  The photo above shows about half of the tables.

Here is our bottle after the hostess set it up.  Note the card at the bottom of the ice bucket.

Karen brought a bottle of Lelanau Winter White that was given to her as a Christmas gift by our neighbors, the Hummels'.

Our friends, Nancy and Phil Smoker, from Vicksburg came over and joined us at the party.
Above, Karen and Nancy are enjoying some of the Winter White wine that was very popular at the gathering.

Above Phil, Bill, Karen and Nancy pose for a picture at this fun event.  We had a good time and we all got to sample some wines that we would otherwise never taste.  The pairings were delicious as well!  After the wine party we got to go home and watch Green Bay beat the Seahawks - so it was a fine Sunday indeed.
🍷  🏈

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