Saturday, January 18, 2020

A Friday Night Dance - & Bill Gets Lucky!

Our RGV park, (that's Rio Grande Valley) hosted a Friday night dance at the club house.
We attended as did our friends the Smokers who drove over to join us.
The band was the Bottomline.  They may not look like much from the picture above, but they could really kick out the jams in both Country and Rock and Roll.

The music had a beat so Bill and Karen had to cut a rug or two.

We snagged a table by the bar where $2 margaritas were being served.

Karen and Nancy enjoyed the music and the margaritas as you can tell from this picture.
And now for the big news of the evening......

Bill had the winning ticket for the 50/50 drawing and took home $72 dollars.
Can't beat that!!!!

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