Thursday, January 23, 2020

A Trip to a Texas Flea Market - Part 1

This market is Don-Wes and it is in Donna, Texas that is about fifteen miles east of Mission.  It is open on Wednesdays and weekends this time of year.  We went on Wednesday January 22, 2020.
They say that one man's treasure is another man's junk.
These items looked like junk to us.

There were plenty of tables and displays like this above.  Semi junk.

Many items on display were obviously from Mexico, and unique for a Michigander to see.
Closer to treasure.

We almost brought this lawn ornament home because Bill said it was the kind of tractor that his grandfather owned.

Speaking of lawn ornaments - there were plenty to choose from.
More on the flea market tomorrow....
(to be continued)

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