Tuesday, January 7, 2020

A Kentucky Derby here in Texas (sort of??)

Sunday was a beautiful warm sunny day just right for our RV park to showcase its "Bentsen Derby".  It was a fun event to raise money for the activities fund.  A 6-lane checkerboard-type track was laid out in chalk on a driveway down by the woodworking shop.  There were five races held with six horses (volunteers) in each race.
Here is the starting lineup for one of the five races.  Note that each contestant is holding a colored horse.  Betting was allowed and encouraged but $1.00 was the limit for any race.  Two big foam dice were rolled and if a horse's number came up that horse got to move ahead one square.  It took 12 squares to win a race.

Each race had a new set of racers.   You can see the two large dice on the ground.  Note the strange hats these mares are wearing.

Female attendees were encouraged to wear their best Derby Day bonnets and a prize was given for the hat that got the most votes.  Needless to say, the lady above won the prize for originality.

Her hat was unique and fit the occasion  to a tee.  
Hot dogs, chips, and pop were served and it was a fun day at the track.  Bill and Karen each bet 50 cents on every race.  Bill picked two horses that came in first so we almost broke even at the track.

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