Sunday, January 26, 2020

Getting Close to Wildlife ...(Almost too close!)

On another one of his bicycle rides over near the Bentsen State Park, Bill had to hop off his bike to grab his camera when  this creature came out of the bush.

Sure enough, it was a coyote and it did not quickly run away.

It stopped to look back so Bill got this picture of a creature we sometimes hear howling at the Moon at night.

Two nights ago when we were driving back to the RV park after dark we had to slam on our brakes to barely avoid hitting two of these creatures that were in the middle of the road.
Very close call.
(Almost pork chops next day close)
In the road were two Piccary or, Javelinas, which is a medium-sized pig-like hoofed mammal that runs wild down here.  They were apparently a full grown female and her half-grown baby from last year.  Seeing them close to our park shows us another good reason why we are entirely fenced in.  The gate is closed at 5:00 PM to keep out creatures like this that would love to find the trash dumpsters!


1 comment:

  1. I have a book in my library that is like the 3 little pigs but it's the 3 javalinas!


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