Wednesday, September 19, 2018

We End up in Trump Tower (well almost)

So much for a smooth well-planned vacation!
When we got to the Vancouver train station last evening we were only six hours too late.  The train scheduled had changed two months ago after we booked the trip and nobody bothered to let AAA or us know.  So we are still here instead of on the tracks to Edmonton this morning.  
But now for the good news.  We had the option of flying to Edmonton to catch up to our train but we chose to see the Rockies from the train instead.  Via  Rail put us in a taxi and booked us into a rather swank two-bedroom suite 25 floors up in a downtown hotel.  It has two bedrooms, two bathrooms, three televisions, a dinette and a living-dining area.  We are getting two extra days to explore Vancouver before we catch the next train on Friday.
Oh yes - and we even have an outdoor balcony, but who wants to look down from this high up?

Here is the dinette. 

This is the living room and dining area.
Here is the main bedroom.  
It felt like our Puffy bed at home and so much better than the train beds.
The extra bedroom.  The suite is made for a family.
Here is the view from our widow.  We are going to make the best of our extra two days in Vancouver.

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