Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Sightseeing In Vancouver, British Columbia

We arrived in Vancouver late Sunday evening and took a taxi to the downtown Hampton Inn.
Then Monday morning we jumped on a ....
....hop-on, hop-off tourist bus like you see above.
The weather was cool and clear: great for sightseeing.

Here is the World's only steam powered clock that blows its steam whistle every quarter hour.

We went up into the Vancouver Lookout which is a tall building with a glass viewing dome at the top.  The port was busy with shipping containers.
The Lookout was a great place to view the city and ocean.  Note the tall building in the middle of this picture.  Notice anything unusual?
How about the tall trees growing at the top?  Rather unusual we thought!  The roots only have to go down about about sixty stories to hit real dirt.
The city has hundreds of pleasure craft.

We found this floating gas station to be rather unique and a good way to avoid congestion.

This carriage ride in one of the big city parks reminded us of Mackinaw Island.

These huge drive-through storage tanks at a concrete business were different.

We enjoyed a good pizza lunch.

We found Vancouver to be the most environmentally friendly city we have ever visited.  You see trash containers like this everywhere to encourage recycling.
Tuesday evening we board the "Canadian" Train on the Via Rail system for Toronto. 

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