Thursday, September 20, 2018

Soaking Up Some Sights in Vancouver

The weather was cool and clear on Wednesday so we headed outside to look around the city.
This is what our hotel looks like.  Notice the small balconies on the near corner.  Bill found them to be rather scary with just a small railing for comfort support.  However, Karen pointed out that they were great to walk out on in the morning to feel what the weather was like.
We walked in Stanley Park where we thought it was an outstanding idea of have separate lanes for pedestrians and bike traffic.
We started out on this tour that you see above to get our bearings.
We want to compliment the horses for a job well done.  We were told that the draft horses came from an Amish farm in Iowa, and the younger horse was bothered whenever he got close to the ocean as it seemed to baffle him.
We saw this "Girl In A Wet Suit" in the harbor.  She was modeled after the mermaid in the Copenhagen Harbor in Europe.
Of course out here we saw totem poles.
Stanley park had beautiful flowers in many locations.  We were told the park is the third biggest municipal park in North America.
After lunch we visited the Vancouver Aquarium that had stunning displays to sea creatures like these Jellyfish above.  They looked like floating fungus.
These two giant sea lions reminded us of Sumo Wrestlers as they tried to push each other off the platforms.
The displays were bright and probably the best we have ever seen.
We believe we made the best of one of our extra days in Vancouver.  It is a great city to visit.

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