Tuesday, September 25, 2018

A Few Days (and miles) Later and We are back on the Grid

It is now Tuesday and we are in our hotel in Toronto.
Our Via Rail train did not have wi-fi and the few larger cities we rode through gave us only short bursts of cell tower usage in Western Canada.  Therefore, we could not blog as we like to do when we travel.  So,  we will go back a few days and try to catch up....
The Rocky Mountains gave way to the open plains of Alberta and Manitoba after we stopped at Edmonton.
We got spoiled with our three meals a day in the dining car.  We both loved the white tablecloths as well as the cloth napkins.  The food was delicious.  We ate with a different couple each meal.  Most of the train passengers were from England, Canada, Australia, Germany and China.  We met only one other couple from the USA (California) and one lady from Michigan.
Our train had 30 cars that included three engines, two dining cars and three dome viewing cars.
We saw this herd of buffalo outside of Winnipeg.  The fact that they were surrounded by a wire fence made us think that it was not a wild migrating herd!  We were surprised to see snow on the ground from Jasper clear past Winnipeg. 
We saw many dwarf trees like these above that reminded us of the Tundra in Alaska.  All the PA announcements on the train were in English then repeated in French.  My mother would have enjoyed hearing that.
On Tuesday around noon we disembarked the Canadian train and checked into the Hilton Toronto.  With our change of schedule we were moved here from our previous hotel.  The white car on the right is a Maserati which are rare in Frederic where we live.
This is the view from our 28th floor room.  The hotel has 32 floors.
We plan to do some sightseeing tomorrow, so today we explored some shops that Karen had to check out here in Toronto.  She finally decided that she really did not have room to pack a new winter coat.
The public transportation in Toronto is modern and efficient.  Here is one of their trolleys.
We found this Broadway theater but do not have the time to catch a show.
We plan to see the CN Tower tomorrow with a much closer look than this.
It is great to be back on line.

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